Posted by: kontikicottage | September 5, 2015

17 August “Independent Day”

I knew its too late for the story of Indonesia Independent Day.

Well, there was something different in Kontiki.

Started at 15th Aug, Kontiki has made a unique performance… yeah Its Angklung, a traditional music, its live music.

Let me introduce Angklung, its made from bamboo with good quality, every bamboo had a hole for giving own tone such as do – re – mi – fa – sol – la – si – do …. well let’s get back to the story.


Angklung Performance

All of Angklung player have practice since afternoon, they played a lot of songs, Traditional until Western. Every night, they played with all the guest. It was very amazing.


All the guest hold 1 Angklung and together playing with the commander.  Fantastic, all guests were playing enthusiasm. Not only at 15th Aug, the next morning, they asked that any Angklung Performance in the evening to the receptionist.


As you knew, Kontiki made these performance until 17th Aug …. yes exactly until Indonesia Independent Day, that The Final Performance.



Yipi … 17th Aug morning, every player prepare own Angklung, they practices together for their performance on the evening. Tik Tok Tik Tok …. it’s 06.30 pm, all player made their lines and the performance begun at 07.00 pm.


1st song is We are The Champion, 2nd is Sajojo, a traditional music with a little bit dancing, one bye one the guest come and made interactive with the player, all songs they played and the final song is Kemerdekaan.


All guest and staff blended together, they played and sang together.

Night has come, all player has said goodbye.

Sleep tide everybody









Posted by: kontikicottage | July 3, 2015

Ramadhan Month

Ramadhan is a holy month for moslem. All of moslem have to do fasting, start from 04.00 am to 05.30 pm or before the sun comes until the sun goes down.



No eat, no drink, no make a gossip, do the good thing, work as usual is on fasting moment.



This Year, Year 2015, Ramadhan held on 18th June 2015 – 17th July 2015

Fasting is good for health.

Happy Fasting all of our friends :))

Posted by: kontikicottage | June 29, 2015

A Surprised Party at Kontiki Cottage

a few weeks ago, a small group from Netherlands has stayed in Kontiki Cottage at Gili Meno for 3 days. 1st day the group were busy with the schedules, their tour leader is very beautiful.


Mt. Rinjani and Segara Anak Lake

The group has just finished from their journey to get trekking Mt. Rinjani. Yes all of us know there is a beautiful mountain with 3.726 m dpl  and the 2nd active volcano in West Lombok  its Mt. Rinjani. He has a great scenery from the top and Segara Anak Lake.

Playing volley together

Playing volley together


The end of journey, the group took a place for relaxation in Gili Meno. Snorkling, lie on the beach, played volley ball or fishing are to be their agenda in this place.



Ping, the sound of incoming email to Kontiki’s inbox.


Birthday Lady


The sender was from Netherlands woman. She was asking to make a surprised birthday gift for her friend whom stayed in Kontiki Cottage. It’s not easy to find someone in the group without the picture. We asked to the tour leader and bingo …. we found her friend, beautiful lady.



Kontiki’s crew and the sender has made a plan for the birthday woman. Tomorrow afternoon will begun.



Tik Tok Tik Tok … the time has run. Yes Afternoon.


Party Preparation


We prepared all of things for a little party. Some a styled beautiful flower bouquet was on the coconut leaf.



It was 07.00 pm, the group ordered a BBQ dinner. Then 08.15 pm the surprised party begun.

A birthday cake come to the beautiful lady, Nicole Lennarts is her name. Surprised … surprised … surprised.

a surprised cake

a surprised cake



She was very surprised, happy and unpredictable she got a surprised from her best friend, Femke Vennik.








Kontiki’s band

Making a wish, took a picture and sang a song were on the party.



Well party were going great. everybody were happy. The mission done.


Thank you my best friend, Femke Vennik … Thank you so much Kontiki and the crew



and goede nacht …. sleep time …. zzzzzzz  >_<





Posted by: kontikicottage | May 5, 2015

Activities in Kontiki Cottage Gili Meno

Hello, We are back again.

We want to share with you, reader friends.

The white sand along we seen, it’s interesting for lay down for sunbathing.

Kontiki 13

Busy time for Sunbathing


Kontiki 12

Playing Volley with some friends of Kontiki Cottage Gili Meno

But for us, it made us to invite all Kontiki’s friends for playing volley. Not many people were coming in the beginning but we still played. We only need 15 minutes to interact and so many friends join to play….yipiiii….. we have more and more friends to play together. We played until the sun were going down.


The game were over. We were separate to our room to take a bath.

the clock was 07.00 pm

not so many people came, only a couple. The Kontiki decided to make a BBQ on the beach.

BBQ Kontiki

A group of Belanda got dinner on the beach




You know guys …. a couple came by then ask that they desired to get dinner near to the fire. Fantastic …. we served them to have a romantic dinner. They cook by them self.




BBQ 01

BBQ with Tania Astans and her friend


Sang a song, made some joke, it’s so warm with them …. Thank you Tania Astans.

We have a great time with you Tania. See you again in Gili Meno




Posted by: kontikicottage | February 23, 2015

A Gift From Gili Meno

03rd February 2015,

all stuff are done.

Ticket to Lombok from Jogja ……. Checked

Diving gear                                ……. Checked

Itinerary, hmmm, it’s direct to Gili Meno, Lombok

An appointment with some friend … Checked

I went to Adisucipto Airport in Jogjakarta at 03.00 pm because the flight was at 05.45 pm. Arriving in the airport, we were checked in to the desk officer, then got in to the waiting room. My heart was beating so high. It was my best vacation because I was traveling with my fiance.

The time was 06.15 pm, there was announcement from the flight, I asked to the officer why the flight was not on time. They gave us the surprised news that was an incident of Garuda in Lombok Airport which Airport would be closed until unlimited time. Surprised me, I only thought how I can reach Lombok without took a flight.

I called my friend who will take a flight from Bali to Lombok. All flight could not be arrived in Lombok. Then I gave another plan to take a fast boat from Padangbai Bali to Gili Trawangan.

04th February 2015

Early in the morning, I went to the flight to ask the good news, once again…there was none. Not to take a long time, I decided to refund and bought a new one from Jogja to Bali. It’s work. We arrived at 05.30 pm in Ngurah Rai Bali. Quickly I called my friend to offer the seat from Ngurah Rai to Padangbai. wow … she said agree … smooth plan.

almost midnight we arrived in Padangbai, looking for the hostel, well there was a satisfy hostel but it’s ok, I only slept for 4 hours because we will go at 08.00 am to fast boat.

05th February 2015

Ticket … ticket, the seller of fast boat was yelling at me. I just smiled and said “thank you, I have”

the fast boat took of as a schedule at 09.00 am …. here we go …. Sayonara Padangbai …. all the way to Lombok, we saw a nice scenery. Thank you Alloh I can see what You have.


Inside of the fast boat


Beautiful scenery











11.00 am Gili Trawangan, wow … we arrived, not thinking a long, we tried to find a rent boat to Gili Meno. Wow, the price … I can’t imagine, super expensive, IDR 250,000 only one way.

12.00 pm touch down Kontiki Cottage Gili Meno


our room in Kontiki Cottage

we were happy, because our 1st plan will be come true, its diving with some frineds. after got the room, we change the cloth and prepare some equipment then we walked to Divine Divers. Over there there was a friend has arrived 1 day before, yes … he is Ibnu.


Diving with Vika and Ibnu

12.30 pm we arrived in Divine Divers, then we asked some dive spot for the 2nd dive, yes … they said they have … bingo … diving we are. ops … there was 1 person for being student.


The Student of Divine Divers, Candrika Pratama

We took diving many times here. So Satisfied, we got turtles, box fish, schooling of fish, nudi’s and many more.


a gift in Maya Slope


some macro’s


many kind of nudibranch


Every night we also got dinner in the beach of Kontiki Cottage Meno. It was so romantic moment. We ordered many things to eat in big big portion … hehehe …. yeay we loved food.

Thank you Kontiki Cottage Meno, you were taking care of us so nice.


The beautiful moment for dinner

Very unforgettable vacation in my life, Spending time with some friends and get relax in Kontiki Cottage, Gili Meno, Lombok


Posted by: kontikicottage | January 4, 2015

Sahabat Koral

Hello Sahabat Koral

Indonesia adalah negara yang dilalui oleh Garis Khatulistiwa, beriklim tropis dan terdiri dari pulau-pulau. Pulau-pulau inilah yang menyebabkan Indonesia memiliki banyak lokasi (daerah) untuk dikunjungi dan yang paling terkenal akhir-akhir ini adalah wisata Bahari.

Sebut saja Wakatobi, Kepulauan Seribu (1000 islands), Togean, Gorontalo, Pulau Menjangan, Pulau Tabuhan hingga Raja Ampat yang sekarang sedang naik daun. Daerah-daerah ini adalah salah satu daerah yang memiliki keindahan alam bawah laut yang luar biasa. Para pengunjung dari berbagai negara berlomba-lomba untuk menghabiskan liburannya di salah satu daerah ini.

save coral

Laut dengan keindahan magic telah menghipnotis kita untuk menikmati isi di bawahnya seperti terumbu karang, hewan-hewan laut dari ukuran micro sampai giant. Bayangkan hewan micro dan terumbu karang seperti nudibranch, snail, crab, clownfish, anemon, christmas tree, mushroom coral sangat menarik untuk kita nikmati. Mereka menari-nari di alam bawah laut seakan-akan mengajak kita untuk bermain bersama.


Sahabat …. tahukah kita bahwa mereka akan mati jika kita pegang, sentuh atau kita pindahkan habitatnya ke aquarium air laut? Mereka mati bukan karena sentuhan tangan kita tetapi salinitas (kadar garam) manusia berbeda dengan salinitas mereka miliki. Mereka pun butuh waktu bertahun-tahun untuk berkembangbiak. Perkembangbiakan terumbu karang sangat lambat, hanya 0,8-1,0 cm per tahun (sumber

save coral brochure p1

Ada beberapa hal yang perlu kita ingat saat kita berada di laut, tips-tips ini berguna agar kita tidak ikut berperan merusak habitat kehidupan bawah laut.

save coral brochure p2

Sahabat …. belum terlambat kita untuk saling menjaga kehidupan bawah laut. Karena itu mulailah dari sekarang BIJAKLAH kita sebagai Penikmat Alam terutama alam bawah laut.


Posted by: kontikicottage | November 14, 2014

How to protect The Coral Reefs

Protecting coral reefs is important to our foo  d chain. As a coral reef is the home for our beloved fish to reproduce, food supplies, and many more. If everyone does their best to protect the coral reefs, our food chain would not get destroyed.

bleaching ocean

STEP 1 Go to your nearest coral reef protection group and ask for anything you can do to protect your local reef coral reef. This can include cleanup duties, volunteering, job offers and many more. You can also ask a friend to help along as well.

STEP 2 Do not fish on or near the coral reefs. In some parts of the world, fishing is illegal and fines do apply. But most reefs don’t. Try and tell the residents in your area to stop fishing around or near the coral reefs. Tell them the types of risks that may happen if the coral reefs are killed

STEP 3 Be cautious as a tourist. Tourism is one of the most hazards to the coral reefs. When you go and snorkel, make sure you don’t step on the actual coral. Be careful when you are around the coral. Don’t press on them, hurt them in any type of way. Tell your friends to be careful. Also try to take the flash off of your camera.

STEP 4 Realize that fertilizer ends up in our coral reefs. Therefore, be careful of the toxins you contribute to the environment. Try to reduce the needs of fertilizing and go for composting instead. Composting has many benefits and will save not only your coral reefs but also reduces landfill waste.

STEP 5 Don’t pollute our seas. Your pollution can end up in our coral reefs which will kill and hurt the coral and sea creatures. It’s not hard to put your rubbish in a bin or tell your council to put a bin near the beach.



Gili’s Reefs

Coral 1 Coral 2 Coral 3 Coral 4

Posted by: kontikicottage | December 13, 2011

The culture and life of the Sasak community

The culture and life of the Sasak community is still relatively untouched by the detrimental excesses of modernization. Their house are still made of bamboo, as is clearly visible in their walls and frames, while the roofs are made of tall grass. The most curious elements are the floor, which are made from a mixture containing water buffalo or cow dung

On the way to Lombok, there are at lest two places that are interesting enough to stop by at: Penunjak, an earthenware craft center; and Sade, a traditional village which still maintains typical but now all too rare working Sasak rice granary.

At fish glance, a granary looks like a bonnet and is an icon of Lombok which is often used as a decorative item of furniture, or as an ornament placed at intersection. In Sade though, you can see an original granary in action.

Many of Sade’s inhabitants make their livings from weaving and it’s possible to see the weaving process in action in houses which have been converted into small scale production facilities.

The women mostly do their weaving in the yard or under the granary, and buying their products means that you are doing your bit to support the preservation of Sasak culture.

Posted by: kontikicottage | December 13, 2011

Lombok holiday: many happy, lasting memories

Located east of Bali is a beautiful island of Lombok. If you are looking for a holiday destination that offers relaxation and a chance to see the real Indonesia, the Lombok is the perfect location for you. Lombok Island is not crowded with tourists.

Many tourists, both from within and from abroad, visiting tourist attractions in Lombok. One is Gili, a small island that offers beautiful panoramic views are quite large.

Gili – One Of Beauty Tourist Attractions in Lombok

Gili area (call for small islands), is one of the tourist areas in Lombok is a magnet for tourists. Dynamics in Gili, increasingly offer welfare to the people around who live there. The Gili area that has been frequently visited by tourists is Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno.

You can be sure that the Gili will offer luxury, tranquility and a variety of activities to be enjoyed. With stunning scenery and warm climate, Lombok holiday will leave you with many happy, lasting memories.

A holiday Lombok has much to offer in terms of activities and attractions. All three became major tourist attractions in Lombok favorite for tourists to do snorkeling or diving. Surely not only the sea just two activities that can be done there, tourists can also just relax, enjoy the beauty of the beach directly opposite the Mount Rinjani. The beauty of the sunrise behind Mount Rinjani is a beautiful natural painting unmatched. A natural beauty to offer the tourist attractions in Lombok.

Your adventure begins at the Gili Meno. When you get to tourist attractions in Lombok, you should take a break at Kontiki Bungalows, you are assured a warm welcome and the service impeccable. You’ll find areas to relax, along with various facilities level 1.

Beachside restaurant serving Indonesian and western food is simple and snacks throughout the day. Barbeque beach with excellent fresh fish.

Lombok holiday spot overlooking not only beautiful, but also facilitate the visitors with a variety of comfortable amenities.

All who are on holiday spots in Lombok are available only for the tourists. Getting started tonight, the warm life on the coast of Gili Meno. Do not forget to watch the beautiful sunset in the west of this small island, you can reach it by riding a bicycle or cidomo (a type of wagon).

If you are going to do snorkelling, Gili Meno, Lombok sights are right. Do not miss the opportunity, if you try an underwater adventure. Furthermore, the colors of nature, Gili Meno, Lombok will make your holiday you will be amazed to see it

Posted by: kontikicottage | December 13, 2011

Culture Presean Lombok

Culture Peresean Lombok is one of the many cultural communities owned by Lombok, Peresean which means the fight by using Penjalin (Rattan) as a tool o’clock and Ende (Shield) as a protective device was already known by the people of Lombok for a long time.

Peresean culture is one culture that spelled out “hard” because in this culture PLAYERS (Pepadu) will show an action at each other until one of them issued a fresh blood, however the culture is full of “violence” was still on the preserve until at this time.

The uniqueness of this Peresean Culture can you see when the Pepadu (Warriors) have started hitting each other action-at using Penjalin (Rottan), when the battle starts the drummers will play a traditional musical instrument of Lombok island, so it goes with the style lenggak pertarunganpun- swing from both Pepadu (fighter) in tune with the traditional musical instrument played by the drummers, Pepadu (Warriors) each block and hit your opponent until one of them to leak or bleed because there is one of those who surrendered.

Culture Peresean outburst stems from the soldiers in the kingdom era jebot epidemic, after the royal soldier managed to beat the opponent in battle. Until now Peresean still preserve the culture and in Budayakan by Sasak tribal society with tujun to test the courage or guts Cadet (Youth) Sasak it is also the main goal in this Peresean lestarikannya Culture is to attract interest from foreign tourists and local tourists.

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